Preventing Windows temporary from response to ...

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Preventing Windows temporary from response to ...

Post by sarmednafi »

Dear Sir,

I found my self hardly need to call some API functions or else to preventing Windows from it's normal response to Mouse click and Keypress of the keyboard until the moment has come (change focus for example) then turn it on back again.
Is that possible?
There was a heavy conflict between my program response and the operating system response.

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Re: Preventing Windows temporary from response to ...

Post by guest »

sarmednafi wrote: Sat Apr 14, 2018 3:55 am need to call some API functions or else to preventing Windows from it's normal response to Mouse click and Keypress of the keyboard until the moment has come (change focus for example) then turn it on back again.
Just to be clear, do you mean that you want the mouse and keyboard to be globally ignored (that is, by any running application and by Windows itself) or do you mean ignored only by your own program?

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Re: Preventing Windows temporary from response to ...

Post by sarmednafi »

Thank you for responding Richard.
Well the best is by my own program. If it is not posible i have to chose the other option.

All the best
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Re: Preventing Windows temporary from response to ...

Post by guest »

sarmednafi wrote: Sat Apr 14, 2018 9:54 am Well the best is by my own program. If it is not posible i have to chose the other option.
OK. You say in your original question "until the moment has come (change focus for example)" so if you are happy for keyboard and mouse input to be reactivated by a focus change, isn't it sufficient to create a dummy (probably invisible) control, such as a TEXTBOX, and set the focus to that? If an invisible control has the input focus, all keyboard and mouse input will go to that control (and therefore be effectively ignored) until focus is changed.

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Re: Preventing Windows temporary from response to ...

Post by sarmednafi »

OK. You say in your original question "until the moment has come (change focus for example)"
Yes, Richard, I said. Till now I can't believe and I never imagine that is possible!
You speak as it is possible normally and there are options!
The object which I mentioned to is a child window which has many text boxes. The changing focus is when I get out of it. by pressing Ctrl+Tab or clicking out the child window.
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Re: Preventing Windows temporary from response to ...

Post by sarmednafi »

Actually, I wrote this thread and I am desperate there is no way.
Now you give me some hope.
Thank you very much for Hijri API function. Shortly there is a useful program will bear.
All the best
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Re: Preventing Windows temporary from response to ...

Post by guest »

sarmednafi wrote: Sat Apr 14, 2018 1:50 pmThe object which I mentioned to is a child window which has many text boxes.
Can you post some minimal code illustrating the issue? It will be easier to make suggestions if I can see exactly what it is you want to achieve by means of an example.

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Re: Preventing Windows temporary from response to ...

Post by sarmednafi »

Can you post some minimal code illustrating the issue?
It isn't so simple Richard,
But you may send some links if such API functions exist.
That will be a great help.

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Re: Preventing Windows temporary from response to ...

Post by guest »

sarmednafi wrote: Sat Apr 14, 2018 3:15 pmIt isn't so simple Richard,
But you may send some links if such API functions exist.
That will be a great help.
No, sorry, if you cannot provide some sample code to help me understand your requirement I cannot give you any detailed advice. To block keyboard and mouse input globally you could use a low-level hook (WH_KEYBOARD_LL and WH_MOUSE_LL) but a global solution to a local problem is poor design.

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Re: Preventing Windows temporary from response to ...

Post by sarmednafi »

Yes, Richard, you are right.

I am sorry too, it is not simple, it is very complicated, I will not put you in this.
I will change all the design.
The necessity of child window is it let us obtain a line wider than the screen with comfortable font size. :idea:
But the text boxes inside the child window, make everything complex. What is the good if you help me with the code then when I need to do some modification I became in bad condition. Moreover, the code works fine only with LBB with LB there is a crash.
Therefore I will use a ListBox instead of many boxes, the line of it will be separated with spaces into individual areas. An input line of many texts boxes will be over the list box inside the child window. That make everything simple even simpler than separate API list view (Unfortunately, the child window and the menus make LB crash and hang up).
What I need and I don't know if I can do it is tow keys to scroll the horizontal scrollbar into steps (I think I can get over that).
My craziness is to obtain an input grid like that used in MS-Access it seems not so easy, using File Maker is better than such entrance.

Dear Richard,
All the best.