LB Booster version 3.21 released

The release of new versions of LB Booster will be announced here
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Posts: 202
Joined: Tue Apr 03, 2018 1:34 pm

LB Booster version 3.21 released

Post by guest »

I have released version 3.21 of LB Booster. The changes in this version are as follows:
  • A new reserved word PrinterColor$ is introduced. This controls the color of text output by the LPRINT statement; it will only work after something has already been printed on the page (if only a space).

  • You can now omit the coordinates specified for the drawbmp command, in which case it will draw the bitmap at the 'current position'. This improves compatibility with LB4 (it is an undocumented feature).

  • The disable and hide commands check to see whether the control being disabled or hidden currently has the input focus, in which case focus is automatically moved to the next control.

  • The IDE code editor has been updated to a later version of the Microsoft Rich Edit control.

  • The links to the forum and wiki in the IDE Help Menu have been updated.
This version can be downloaded from the usual place. Owing to personal circumstances, it has hardly been tested at all; for that reason I have made sure that version 3.10 is still available for download as LBB310.exe and LBBRUN310.exe.

If you do discover a bug please confirm that it is not present in version 3.10, and in that case provide as much information as possible to assist with it being fixed.
Site Admin
Posts: 202
Joined: Tue Apr 03, 2018 1:34 pm

Re: LB Booster version 3.21 released

Post by guest »

guest wrote: Mon Nov 20, 2023 11:07 pm I have released version 3.21 of LB Booster.
I should issue my 'usual' warning that because of the update Virus Scanners are inevitably going to throw a wobbly: "Oh no, we've never seen that file before, it's bound to be malware". This is just a fact of life these days.

If anybody does find their download being deleted or quarantined, please submit the file to the relevant vendor as a 'false positive' so they can do a more thorough test and add its signature to their white list.