Easter egg graphics

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Easter egg graphics

Post by tsh73 »

Old program of mine a bit cleaned up
Works in lb/lbb
(would work in JB if supply custom sort routine - version on JB board)
easterEgg.PNG (95.41 KiB) Viewed 7786 times

Code: Select all

'3d easter egg (beaded)
'by tsh73, January 2009
'revised April 2018 - text added
'lb/lbb: qsort changed to native sort


DIM p(10000, 6)
dim ltr$(ltrW) 'Times New Roman italic via GetPixelValue$ 
'hand-tuned a little bit
ltr$( 1)="                               "
ltr$( 2)="      **   ***                 "
ltr$( 3)="    ***** ****                 "
ltr$( 4)="      *** *  *                 "
ltr$( 5)="       ** *                    "
ltr$( 6)="       ****                    "
ltr$( 7)="        **                     "
ltr$( 8)="        **                     "
ltr$( 9)="        **         *********   "
ltr$(10)="       * **         ****  ***  "
ltr$(11)="      *  **         ***   ***  "
ltr$(12)="      *  **  *      ***   ***  "
ltr$(13)=" **  *   **  *      ***  ***   "
ltr$(14)=" ****     ****     ***  **     "
ltr$(15)=" ***      **       ******      "
ltr$(16)="                   ***  ***    "
ltr$(17)="                   ***   ***   "
ltr$(18)="                  ***    ***   "
ltr$(19)="                  ***    ***   "
ltr$(20)="                  ***   ****   "
ltr$(21)="                 ***   ****    "
ltr$(22)="                *********      "

global width, minX, maxX, height, minY, maxY, sqr3half, Pi
'some constants
grad2rad = 3.1415915 / 180
sqr3half = SQR(3) / 2
Pi = acs(-1)

'indeed for 60 bands pearls look real size. That is, too small
'So I scale it up twice
WindowWidth = 600
WindowHeight = 600+25


open "Beaded Easter Egg" for graphics_nsb_nf as #grFunc
#grFunc, "trapclose [trapclosehLabel]"
#grFunc, "home ; down ; posxy x y"
  'x, y give us width, height
  width = 2*x : height = 2*y
#grFunc, "fill darkgreen; color white; flush"

minX = -1.5
maxX = 1.5
minY = -1.5
maxY = 1.5

beadR = 7
nBands = 60
nMaxCols = 86

'experimentally I got 40 beads of r=10 for circle r = 1
'that is, for 2Pi, or 40/2/Pi per length unit.
n = nBands
i = 1

for k = 1 to n-1    'parallels (bands)
    phi = Pi*k/n - Pi/2
    rParr = cos(phi)    'this is band radius
    'change sphere to egg
    d = 1/6    'slant
    kk = 0.75    'how narrow
    rParr =  rParr * kk*((1-sin(phi))*d+(1-d))
    nn = int(nMaxCols*rParr/kk)

    'parallel at phi
    alpha0=Pi*.65 'rotation, where j=0 is
    FOR j = 0 TO nn-1
        'alpha = 2*Pi*i/nn'+Pi/2
        alpha = alpha0-2*Pi*j/nn

        x = cos(alpha)*rParr
        y = sin(alpha)*rParr
        z = sin(phi)

        p(i, 1) = x
        p(i, 2) = y
        p(i, 3) = z    'radial bands
        'p(i, 3) = z+(alpha-alpha0-Pi)/5    'spiral. doesn't exactly work
        p(i, 4) = fnx(x, y, z)
        p(i, 5) = fny(x, y, z)
            'PSET (p(i, 4), p(i, 5)) 'draw
        xx =  sx(p(i, 4))
        yy =  sy(p(i, 5))
        p(i, 6) = 0
        'read bitmap from ltr$() array.
        if offY <= ltrW and offY >0 _
            and offX < ltrH and offX>0 then
            if mid$(ltr$(ltrW-offY+1),offX,1)="*" then p(i, 6)=1    'It reads upside down
        end if
        'uncomment to see 'zero' position
        'if k = 30  then p(i, 6)=1    'about middle line
        'if j=0 then p(i, 6)=1
        i = i+1
n = i-1
print "nBeads=",n

'now, paint them in Z-order
dim ord(n,2)
for i = 1 to n
    ord(i,1) = i
    ord(i,2) = p(i, 1)+p(i, 2)+p(i, 3)    'this works as Zorder for izometry
print "Sorting..."
t0 = time$("ms")
sort ord(),1, n, 2
print "Sorting done, took "; time$("ms")- t0
'then redraw in order.
for i = 1 to n
SCAN    'so you can break it
    xx =  sx(p(ord(i,1), 4))
    yy =  sy(p(ord(i,1), 5))
    colNum = p(ord(i,1), 3)  ' = z
    if p(ord(i,1), 6)=1 then colNum = 1
    gosub [drawBead]
    if n mod 100 = 0 then  #grFunc, "discard"

#grFunc, "flush"


    close #grFunc

    'Input: (h,s,v)
    'h in the range [0, 360), indicating the angle, in degrees of the hue
    's and v varying between 0 and 1, representing the saturation and value, respectively
    'Output: r,g,b  [0,1]
    'and to be useful, R G B [0 255]
    'or to JB RGB$ as "R G B" string.

    hi = int(h/60) mod 6
    f = h/60 - int(h/60)
    p = v*(1-s)
    q = v*(1-f*s)
    t = v*(1-(1-f)*s)
'    print hi,
    select case hi
    case 0
        r = v: g = t: b = p
    case 1
        r = q: g = v: b = p
    case 2
        r = p: g = v: b = t
    case 3
        r = p: g = q: b = v
    case 4
        r = t: g = p: b = v
    case 5
        r = v: g = p: b = q
    end select
    R = int(r*255)
    G = int(g*255)
    B = int(b*255)
    RGB$= R;" ";G;" ";B

    h = (colNum+1)*180 'continuous band color
    'h = (colNum+1)*1000 'continuous band color variant that looks pretty random

    for currR = beadR to 1 step -1
        gosub [HSV_2_RGB]
        #grFunc, "color ";RGB$;";backcolor ";RGB$
        #grFunc, "place "; int(xx-3*(beadR-currR)/beadR); " "; int(yy-3*(beadR-currR)/beadR)
        #grFunc, "circlefilled ";currR

'3d to plabe
function fnx(x, y, z)
    fnx = (x - y) * sqr3half
end function

function fny(x, y, z)
    fny = z - (x + y) / 2
end function

'conversions (logical coords to screen)
function sx(x)
'screen X. Depends on width, minX, maxX
    sx = (x- minX)/(maxX-minX) * width
end function

function sy(y)
'screen Y. Depends on height, minY, maxY. Upside down.
    sy = (1-(y- minY)/(maxY-minY)) * height
end function
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Re: Easter egg graphics

Post by guest »

tsh73 wrote: Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:53 pm Old program of mine a bit cleaned up
Very nice!

Posts: 37
Joined: Fri Apr 06, 2018 6:27 am

Re: Easter egg graphics

Post by sarmednafi »

Very Very Very Nice...!
:o :shock: :P :) :D
This guy is Talent.